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myCommunityFutures BC services for businesses, startups and not for profits


Wildfire Recovery Program

BC Wildfire Response and Recovery Program for Small Business

Community Futures Sun Country
BC Wildfire Response and Recovery Program for
Small Business Application

Financial Assistance

Financial Support is provided as a loan with terms as noted:

  • Up to $10,000
  • Prime plus 2%
  • 4-year amortization
  • No payment requirements for up to eight months
  • The business owner must be prepared to sign a personal guarantee. In case of not for profit organizations or incorporated companies, a director must sign on it's behalf.

Eligible Applicants:

  • Was in operation when the emergency commenced
  • Has a valid business license or operates in compliance with all government requirements
  • Has not been able to operate or has operated at a reduced level for more than 5 consecutive days due to the BC Wildfire situation
  • Business includes for profit and enterprising not for profit organizations, sole proprietorship's, partnerships, incorporated companies, ranches, farms and co-ops with 50 or fewer employees.

Contact our support staff for more information

Andre 250-217-6438

Arnice 604-793-8124

Jan 250-453-9165


Community Futures Disaster Business Support 

Disaster Support - Flooding-Landslides-Wildfires

Are you a small/medium sized business affected by any of the 2021 disasters and/or are you concerned about preparing for the challenges created by these events?

Community Futures created this website to provide resources, support, and direction to businesses who may be impacted by wildfires, floods, landslides or any other natural disaster; this information is updated regularly.  There is currently no funding secured for financial support of affected businesses however, there are resources available to assist with disaster mitigation and recovery.

Community Futures has a team of experts ready and available to speak with you regarding your unique challenges due to these unpredictable disasters.

Not sure where to start?  Connect with an advisor through our toll-free number today:


Export Navigator Can Help Your Business GROW

Export Navigator

The Export Navigator Program offers free expert guidance to businesses on exporting.  Whether your business already exports at volume or you run a smaller enterprise that hasn't yet crossed borders, you will be put in touch with a helpful advisor who will demystify the export process.  Although the current climate has disrupted the flow of goods and services, we can help you diversify your market and strengthen your business.

The program is available to all B.C. businesses located outside of Greater Vancouver and Greater Victoria and offers specialized advisors for businesses owned by Indigenous Peoples, youth (under 30 years of age), and women.

Visit: or email: to find out more.

 Export Navigators AdvisorsJoin the program



 Support Local on the BC Marketplace

Open your business up to new audiences by creating your own business profile for free.

Create Profile

If you have questions, contact:

Dylan Hrycyshen, Program Manager BC Marketplace






Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

TOTA Micro Loan Program 





Government of Canada
Pacific Economic Diversification Canada
Societe de developpement economique
Pour obtenir le service en français appeler 1-877-732-3534


Community Futures Sun Country recognizes and acknowledges with gratitude we are collectively gathered on the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territories of the Nlaka'pamux, Secwepemc, St’átl’imx, and Stó:lō Nations where we live, learn, collaborate and work together


Community Futures Sun Country
Growing communities one idea at a time

203 Railway Ave.
PO Box 1480
Ashcroft BC V0K 1A0
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Created By Erica Lahoda Web Girl
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